There are many ways to convert numbers from scientific notation to standard form. You could estimate the product and use that to verify your answer. For example 2.08 x 10^2 is close to 2 x 10^2. Since 2 x 10^2 is 200, you know that the answer to 2.08 x 10^2 is close to 200. So the answer is 208. Or you could move the decimal point according to the power of 10 that you have. If you have 3.16 x 10^3 you could move the decimal point three spaces to the right from where it is in 3.16. When you do that you end up with 3160.
The homework tonight is pg. 132 numbers 12-30 even.
Grades are exported Friday, please redo your study island assignment so that you can receive a higher grade. Also, please return the progress report that I handed out to you today. Make sure that it is signed by your parent. Also, test tomorrow.
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The following video is a student explaining one of the above ways to convert numbers from scientific notation.
The bottom of the paper was not visible in the video. But here is the paper that she was working on:
Solving equations examples
11 years ago
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